
Redesign concepts developed during my early days as UX Lead at Popmenu. This is a small selection of screenshots showing some of the primary tools and functions of the platform: reporting and guidance, menu management, asset creation, and communication.


The first working version of Popmenu was created in 2016 using Bootstrap for the front-end. By 2018, the platform had added a multitude of features and functionality and had become difficult to navigate. There was a lack of general consistency across the platform and by 2018, it was time to streamline the flow of the application and give it a new personality.


We listened to hundreds of requests from clients, as well as our support and sales teams, and asked framing questions, to better understand what was working, what needed improving, what was missing, and what was unnecessary. With this data, the goal was to create a simplified navigation, page structure, and visual style, using as few patterns and mental models as necessary. The initial screens were designed for web on a large tablet, such as an iPad (1366x768), as it was theoretically an ideal device for managing all data on the go and would translate easier to a native app down the road.


The result was a much more pleasant experience for our clients, a drastic reduction in calls to Client Services, and Popmenu's first visual identity. This first redesign allowed the company to successfully secure two rounds of funding and grow the company from a handful of clients to a few thousand.

The initial idea for an actionable dashboard with insight into performance and next steps

The initial idea for an actionable dashboard with insight into performance and next steps

The initial idea for an actionable dashboard with insight into performance and next steps

A re-imagined view for managing your items (dishes) with list view and item details

The initial idea for an actionable dashboard with insight into performance and next steps

First concept for a revised Print Center, which would allow users to visually lay out their print menus using data from their system.

The initial idea for an actionable dashboard with insight into performance and next steps

Concept for a communication queue where campaigns of any type can be added to the schedule, edited, and viewed all in one place.

The initial idea for an actionable dashboard with insight into performance and next steps

First Concept for a Visual Email Template builder, with drag and drop sections

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